As we know Data Structure is a way to storing and
organize data into memory, there are many different algorithms available that
has their own benefits so as per the demand or requirement we choose any way to
store data, Queue is one of them.
Please click on the link given below to
introduction of Data Structure, advantages, need, types of data structures, and
different operations detail.
Here we will discuss about Queue data structure
in detail.
Queue comes in
category and it is Linear Lists
type data structure. Linear list means data comes in sequential order.
Queue works
with predefined capacity that is way it’s also comes in static data structure’s category.
In Queue
every element store in form of queue that is why it is also known as FIFO-First
in First out.
Example: Like
queue in real life for any match, movie etc where who comes first will get response
In queue
insertion happens from front and deletion happens from rear (end). Insertion
process known as Enqueue and deletion process known as Dequeue.
Of Queue -
Let’s discuss
about the operations that we perform with Queue
This operation is
to insert data element into queue from
This operation is
to remove data element from queue from
This operation is
to check underflow state of queue either
queue is empty or
This operation is to check overflow state
of queue either queue is full or not.
This operation is to get all
element data from queue, it does not remove data from queue.
How Queue Works – Implementation
As of now we know that queue
is the Data Structure that organizes data values in sequential order always insert
data from front and remove data from last in First In First Out form.
Next thing comes in mind
how actually it works, let’s understand queue functions implementation using
Enqueue/Insert Implementation
We are assuming that we
have list of 5 elements and we want to insert or store data element into queue,
let’s explain by using pseudo codes.
Queue size is 5 so before enqueue any data
we must check that queue is full or not if not full then insert data into
memory. If queue is full then will show Overflow message to user.
maxSize =5
front = -1 //
first element of queue, initially set as -1
rear = -1 //
last element of queue, initially set as -1
If ( rear =
maxSize )
then “Queue is Overflow, can’t add more element”
If queue is not full then insert data into
queue, identify this first data element by name front and rear, when next
element comes in queue then rear will increase by 1.
rear = rear + 1
if ( front = -1 )
front = front + 1
Queue[rear] = element
Dequeue/Remove Implementation
We are assuming that we
have 5 elements in queue and we want to insert or remove data element from queue,
let’s explain by using pseudo codes.
Before removing data from queue, first
check queue is empty or not, if queue is empty then will show underflow message to user.
If ( front = -1 )
then “Queue is underflow, can’t remove element”
If queue is not empty then replace front value with front+1, now queue will have new front value. When there is only
one data element remaining in queue then it would be rear and first element,
after removing it front and rear both will
by 1.
If (rear = front - 1)
front = -1
rear = – 1
Queue[front] = Queue[front+1]
isEmpty Implementation
As the function name
suggest, isEmpty() method checks
data availability in queue. This is Boolean method i.e. it returns true if queue
is empty otherwise returns false.
removing data element from queue, rear decrease by 1,
when rear become equals to front then both value will decrease
by 1 and queue will be empty.
when rear become equals to front then both value will decrease
by 1 and queue will be empty.
If ( front = -1 )
then “Queue is empty ”
isFull Implementation
As the function name
suggest, isFull() method checks
storage limit in queue or either queue has reached to its storage limit or not.
While adding data
elements in queue, first data value would be first and rear element of queue,
both will increase by 1, when anther value inserts then rear value increase by
1 until it reaches to maxSize of queue.
( rear = maxSize )
“ Queue is full “
peek Implementation
is to return front element of queue, first checks if queue is not empty then
get value of the queue.
This will return the value of front element of
( front = -1 )
then “ Queue is empty “
= queue [front]
Queue Implementation In Java –
Let’s create a java
program for queue data structure implementation, again I mention here that data
structure is a way to store and organize data values into memory, there are
many data structures are available with their features and benefits, we select
them as per our requirement, Queue is one of them.
Let’s assume that we have
list of students data and we want to store and organize them in queue First-in-First-out manner, so that every entry would be on rear.
import java.util.ArrayList;
class Student {
Integer rollNo;
String grade;
Student(String sName, Integer rNo, String grd) {
stud_name = sName;
rollNo = rNo;
grade = grd;
interface Queue {
public void enqueue(Object data);
public void dequeue();
public boolean isEmpty();
public boolean isFull();
public Object peek();
class QueueImplementation implements Queue {
front and rear of queue memory
static int front = -1;
private static int rear = -1;
Object[] queueList = null;
private static int queue_size_limit = 0;
// constructer to set queue size limit
QueueImplementation (int maxQueueSize) {
queue_size_limit = maxQueueSize;
/* memory allocation for maxQueueSize to store
object data */
object data */
queueList = new Object[queue_size_limit];
// Enqueue method to insert data element
into queue
public void enqueue(Object data) {
if ( isFull() ) {
System.out.println("Can't insert
more element.");
else {
rear = rear + 1;
( front == -1 ) {
= front + 1;
= data;
queueList[rear] = data;
} //end of enqueue method
to remove data element from queue
public void dequeue() {
if (isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("Can't remove more element.");
else {
(rear == front-1) {
= -1;
= -1;
front = front + 1;
} //end of dequeue method
// isEmpty to check queue is empty or not
public boolean isEmpty() {
if (front == -1) {
System.out.println(" Queue is in
underflow(empty) state. ");
return true;
return false;
} // end of isEmpty method
// isFull to check queue memory is full or
public boolean isFull() {
if ( rear ==
queue_size_limit-1 ) {
System.out.println(" Queue
is in overflow(full) state. ");
return true;
return false;
} // end of isFull method
// peek method is to get top value from queue
public Object peek() {
if (isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("Can't get queue element.");
return null;
return queueList[front];
} // end of peek method
} // end of implementation class
public class QueueSampleProgram {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Creating student data ... ");
Student s1 = new Student ("Student1",1,"A");
Student s2 = new Student ("Student2",2,"B");
Student s3 = new Student ("Student3",3,"C");
Student s4 = new Student ("Student4",4,"D");
Student s5 = new Student ("Student5",5,"E");
System.out.println("Enqueue student data into queue ... ");
QueueImplementation queueImpl = new QueueImplementation(5);
System.out.println("Get front of queue ...");
Student studData = (Student) queueImpl.peek();
System.out.println("Student data values : "
+studData.stud_name+" , "+studData.rollNo+" , "+studData.grade);
+studData.stud_name+" , "+studData.rollNo+" , "+studData.grade);
System.out.println("Dequeue student data from queue ... ");
System.out.println("Get front of queue ...");
studData = (Student) queueImpl.peek();
System.out.println("Student data values :
"+studData.stud_name+" , "+studData.rollNo+" , "+studData.grade);
"+studData.stud_name+" , "+studData.rollNo+" , "+studData.grade);
In the given example you can better understand interface layer
where queue interface that has all queue methods.
queueImplementation class that is implementing all the methods.
Here we are storing student object into queue memory, so we have
student class, from main method we pass student object to the
methods and all queue methods are dealing with student object.
Queue implementation layer can be used for any object, we can
reuse queue data structure implementation for any other object.
Understanding Data Structure Basics
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